10 years and George is becoming more female.

Portraits of Stefan Häbich and Isabella Frey, looking back at 10 years of George

10 years, 8 million. Two very big numbers that imply very big changes. The George team has grown from an office with a kitchen to an office with a view. Or rather: many offices with different views, since George is now at home in six countries. To talk about the past, the present, and the future, Isabella Frey and Stefan Häbich joined our podcast.

Isabella recently joined Stefan as managing director of George Labs to lead George side by side with Stefan from now on. Stefan is looking forward to the new dual leadership, and everything else the future brings. In the same fashion, changes lay ahead of us, but changes also shaped the past 10 years. As a result, not much is the same as it was 2012, when George was “born” when the first line of code was written. The constant evolvement is vital for George, says Stefan:

“One of our assets is that we have surroundings and people, who are able to change and adapt easily. Much easier than a grown organisation is capable of.” (Stefan Häbich)

The changes we are facing are not upcoming for their own sake. They will embrace the structure of the George team, the processes, the leadership, and the culture. Readjusting set screws in these dimensions will help to make come true the vision for the future.

“For the future, I see George being your financial brain helping you and your company to stay financially healthy. I see George’s services being integrated into other platforms. And I still see a colourful, diverse team distributed all over the world to make that happen.” (Isabella Frey)

For more on George and his evolution, a somewhat nostalgic retrospective, and a determined outlook for the future, tune in and listen to our guests Isabella and Stefan. From now on, you find the podcast in addition to Soundcloud on both Google Podcasts and Itunes. Search for “George Podcast” or the rss feed: https://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:701846465/sounds.rss


Picture of Anna-Lisa Bilis

Anna-Lisa Bilis

Lisa is a copywriter at George Labs. If she had a companion, it would be a copycat. Her passion for (bad) puns is matched only by her love for drawing.

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