George UX Conf – Good UX design is indeed a matter of visibility.

About the George UX Conf 2022 and its reason for being. 

On 10 October 2022, the George UX Conf invites designers & anyone who is interested in UX design to a full-day conference at Erste Campus in Vienna. But why? Why does it take a whole conference on UX design topics? The answer is simple: because people need a good user experience. Now more than ever.


While artists opted for different kinds of canvas years ago, UX designers nowadays use our everyday devices as such. But UX design is much more than just a beautification of software. It’s making the usage of this specific software as pleasant and positive as possible – so people keep on using it in the future.

“Design is a key tool in the strategy of organisations. When design is part of the core of an organisation, it can react and anticipate changes in society.”
Juan Aranda Jimenez, Service Design Senior Manager at BBVA.

One of the major problems designers are facing nowadays is unbelievably fast change. What was fancy yesterday is water under the bridge now. This not only pressures them to deliver fast but also to deliver perfectly. User experience design hardly allows for second chances. Also, the huge difference between the requirements of different age groups that all use the same application is an obstacle designers must tackle. How does one design an application to meet the needs of a 20-year-old as well as those of a 50-year-old?

George UX Conf: Shaping Finances by Design – more than just a slogan

This is only one of a hundred questions designers around the globe ask themselves, among them those from the George Labs design team. With the goal of having an international exchange of experiences, visions, and ideas, the George UX Conf 2022 came about. This full-day conference invites designers and design enthusiasts to the bright and thrilling world of UX design.

“As design trends are emerging so fast, it’s not enough to just adopt them, we must stay one step ahead of them.”
Stefanie Prinz, Head of UI/UX at George Labs.

The idea when preparing the George UX Conf was to organise an event where like-minded people have the possibility to discuss with and learn from each other. Speakers from different companies within the fintech industry will talk about how design contributes to trust such fintechs, new ways of working as well as the future of design tools and accessibility for financial applications.

UX design as the captain that navigates the ship user

It seems like new design trends occur as soon as the user got used to a specific UX design. To prevent the big confusion at the end of the day, the job of UX designers is to smoothly guide users through the application. Another important task is to help them to adapt to design changes more easily. How? By not improving everything at once but step by step. User experience design is not only a buzzword. It’s an integral part of applications and software. To highlight its importance, one must talk about it. And that’s the idea behind the George UX Conf.

“Design is best done collaboratively as a team with hard work and passion.”
Muhammed Salim, Head of Product Design at Deel 

To improve user experience, one must talk about it.

UX design is getting more and more importance and visibility in organisations. Thus, addressing this importance and making teams that work hard on improving designs visible is one crucial step in the right direction of improving user experience as a whole. UX design and the acceptance of a digital product surely go hand in hand. That’s why the George UX Conf 2022 takes not only a look behind the scenes. It also looks at what’s waiting for us in the future.

If you want to get insights into the bright field of UX design, take a look at our conference page or get your ticket straight away:


If you are interested in what makes George’s design so unique, take a look at this blog post.

Picture of Samira El-Shamy

Samira El-Shamy

Hi, I'm a multilingual word-juggler (aka copywriter & content creator) at George Labs.

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