Making ideas happen

Portrait of NIk Sumeiko

George is original. This is fuelled by many creative heads of the George team. They seek to improve what exists and invent what doesn’t. Meet Nik Sumeiko and Daniel de la Fuente in an interview about ideas, inspiration and inventions.

In an ever-changing world, George does not only want to keep pace but to be one step ahead. By doing so, problems can be solved even before users have to face them. This guarantees the George experience: easy and enjoyable banking, everyday.

What keeps George at the pulse of time are the future-oriented team members. They know that small steps can make a big difference – this is why every new plugin counts.

“innovation means providing users with tools to make their life better –

or even the world a better place”

(Nik Sumeiko)

George labs is a great habitat for visions and ideas. Here, time, space and other resources are provided to discover, improve, and reinvent. All with the goal to enhance the users’ experience. Some novelties originate in the users’ needs, some evolve due to the team members own wishes and requests. This is the case with Nik Sumeiko. He developed a new plugin to turn a tedious task into a smooth function.

Watch the video below to gain more insight on George’s initiative for innovations.


Host – Daniel De la Fuente:

Service Design Lead delivering simple, useful, user-centric, and consistent products that will convert into beautiful and memorable experiences

Guest – Nik Sumeiko:

Web developer, an expert in payment systems, family man, and philanthropist


Picture of Anna-Lisa Bilis

Anna-Lisa Bilis

Lisa is a copywriter at George Labs. If she had a companion, it would be a copycat. Her passion for (bad) puns is matched only by her love for drawing.

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