George makes banking easy. But he does not stop there. In partnership with s Leasing, he brought to life the plugin CarService. s Leasing offers individually tailored packages of financing, insurance, and registration to have little fuss but much delight with the leased car. The CarService feature supports this by bringing together the best of mobility and finances. It makes leasing easy, neat, and always accessible.
Status: up to date and on top of things
Thanks to the plugin CarService, s Leasing customers have all information about their leasing contract at hand, just one click away from the George overview. The free plugin provides the users not only with all about the leased vehicle but also up-to-date evaluations of the car’s value and sales options. Everything the s Leasing customer needs to know is summarised in detailed, yet compact facts.
Time to say goodbye?
All things have to come to an end. Even the joint journey with a faithful car. Farewells are hard but the plugin CarService makes it as easy as possible via its auction function. The refined evaluation function assess the car including mileage, accessories, and all potential damages. After getting informed about the estimated current value of the car, the user can put up the car for auction directly via the plugin. CarService also allows to handle the whole process with few clicks only. Checking submitted bids, rejecting, or accepting them, and prolonging the auction can all be done in the plugin.
The perfect extension
The CarService plugin is the perfect extension of the individual packages of sLeasing. For s Leasing customers, using the plugin means that not only the offer is flexible but also the handling of the leasing contract. By joining forces with George Austria, s Leasing brought Car Service into the everyday life of more than 1.000 users of the plugin until now.