George loves partnerships.

an image showing screenshots of George plugins

George loves to bring his users the best of digital banking. Plugins created in prolific partnerships form part of the unique George experience.

George’s vision is to enable people to manage, understand, and improve their financial life. But there is more to effortless banking than traditional financial products. An evaluation of all assets. Loyalty programmes that enable saving money while spending it. A warranty management that ensures not losing money on a defect item. Those are just few of the many ideas how George can offer valueable solutions beyond banking, wrapped up in one app. The possibilities are endless, and so is George’s space to grow.

No need to reinvent the wheel

While George is a banking expert, he is also wise enough to acknowledge that others’ prowess and expertise offer the perfect complement to his skills. This is why he invites 3rd parties to come on board and join the journey of improving financial matters day by day. George teaming up with 3rd parties means a win-win-win situation. For the users it entails access to enriching plugins only one click away. George benefits from creative solutions, extending the large variety of his offers without having to reinvent the wheel. 3rd parties who join George can rely on George’s credibility, his solid experience in the fintech branch, and his high standards. Also, a huge user base, spanning across 7 countries, and embracing more than 7 million users, awaits them. But quantity is not everything: George records more than 100 million logins a month. Visibility meets high frequency.

Beyond the horizon

A partnership with George also means a journey onwards to new shores. The high scalability enables partners to enter various markets in different countries at the same time. Not only are new revenue streams opening up, but also growth potential is fostered. Different countries signify different user needs. This can turn into inspiration to improve, enhance, shape and polish existing products.

What else is there to come?

George has unlimited potential to grow. And he enjoys making the most of it. Many new ideas and partnerships already sparkle on the horizon. But it is not only about new features and use cases. As Product Owner of the Power Up Squad, which is in charge of partnership, Maja Gostovic sees the future of George partnerships not only in the expansion of the offers. The constant improvement of George’s plugin ecosystem is decisive. “Including an external product into George means a complex and bumpy process. Lawyers, designers, app-developers, and country-delivery managers have to be on the same page. The future product must be bulletproof, meeting all standards that we have in place. But with the George magic, even the rockiest journey comes to a happy ending”.  The aim is to foster a more agile way of collaborating. Smoother processes and more flexibility to develop and plug-in ideas are the foundation for prosperous partnerships. To achieve that, best practices are explored, and guidelines are drafted. After all, George makes not only banking effortless, but also collaboration.

It’s all about choices

Flexibility is not only important for the development process. Since every country entails different needs and demands, the George plugin ecosystem is designed to provide the freedom to choose what suits best. George is a modular system of indefinite possibilities. Countries as well as partners can decide whether a plugin is included in the local offer of the respective country. However, no one knows the users’ needs better then the users themselves. Thus, the ultimate choice lies with them. A new feature is an offer. The users can activate it or not, based on the value and utility they see in it. Each user can build their very own banking experience, just as they wish.

Get inspired

George loves partnerships and so will you. So far, George’s partnerships resulted in plugins that bring bring real value to the users and go beyond the horizon of tradional banking products. Moneyback powered by DateioVouchers+ in collaboration with OptioPay and Car Service in partnership with s Leasing are among them.

Picture of Anna-Lisa Bilis

Anna-Lisa Bilis

Lisa is a copywriter at George Labs. If she had a companion, it would be a copycat. Her passion for (bad) puns is matched only by her love for drawing.

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