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Dag Erik Zimen

Dag, the voice and story-teller of George. As Copy & Communications lead at, he gives George a tonality, a personality, a few typos and hopefully some wittiness.

George just reached10 Million users. Money is too important not to enjoy your banking.

10 Million Reasons to Become Friends with Your Banking. Or Just One.

Today, July 17, 2024, marks George’s 12th birthday since his first line of code was written in 2012. He has now made 10 million friends in six countries across Europe. 10,000,000 users and counting! As we celebrate this milestone, we cannot overlook the primary reason behind George’s success which is also his actual purpose: Money is too important not to enjoy your banking.

Read More »10 Million Reasons to Become Friends with Your Banking. Or Just One.

Pride or pinkwashing: brands, employers and the rainbow.

George does it. Public transport and Heineken do it. TikTok and VW do it. Even UEFA tries it – after banning it: Flying the rainbow flag. Some corporate rainbows may be really proud, some are obviously hypocritical. But while an EU member in the 21st century is prohibiting all “promotion” of non-heterosexuality, aren’t even the most pinkwashed signals of LGBTQI acceptance potential lifesavers?

Read More »Pride or pinkwashing: brands, employers and the rainbow.