George Stories

Insights and Ideas from George Labs

Lessons in disguise

Maurizio Poletto, George’s father and newly appointed Chief Platform Officer of Erste Group joined the George Podcast for an uplifting conversation. Despite his recent professional

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One spoon of empathy.

Empathy differentiates good from excellent in many regards of life. For a business and product, empaths play a big part in its success. Together with

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Letting data speak

The George Podcast features a special ExpertTalk episode with Tomas Balint, George’s Data Chapter Lead. Together with his team, Tomas takes the initiative of shaping

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Call me maybe.

There are different ways to learn from George users and find out more about their needs and expectations. Direct feedback from the s ServiceCenter is

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Interacting the agile way

The third episode of the George Podcast features Head of User Interactions Wolfgang Hacker, who played a central part in bringing agile collaboration methods to

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