George Magazine

Stories and Ideas from George Labs

a small rocket flying around a planet with the George logo

What makes George smart?

George is personal. George learns. George is your clever personal financial companion. It is easy to say that George is smart. However, the question is

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Illustration of an astronaut waving and holding a flag.

Who are the Discoverers?

Power user or occasional user? Pure curiosity or enthusiasm for development? The discoverers are as diverse as George’s features and so is their respective motivation

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Let’s do Business, George!

Full speed ahead! George is now also going into business. His goal: to make digital banking more convenient and satisfying through simplicity and stability.

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Як George опанував українську мову

З початку повномасштабної війни Росії проти України Європейський Союз прихистив мільйони українців. Цим людям довелося пристосовуватися до життя в нових умовах: відкривати рахунки банків ЄС,

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